
3 weeks ago

Patricia Chapman
It's almost showtime! This Friday, Sept. 6, from 5 to 8 pm, my show will be open at the First Congregational Church in downtown Boulder at Broadway and Pine. If you can stop by (and I certainly hope you can), I recommend that you check out the display in the glass case in the main gallery. I have filled it with small free standing assemblage pieces and my latest addition to that group are these three small pieces. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Patricia Chapman
I have added a few brand new art pieces to my solo show at the First Congregational Church at Broadway and Pine in downtown Boulder. The reception/opening for the show is from 5 to 8 pm, Friday, Sept. 6. These are small assemblage pieces, measuring about 9" x 5.5" each. Come see them and me this Friday! ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Patricia Chapman
My solo show "Extraordinarily Improbable Adventures" at the First Congregational Church in downtown Boulder at Pine and Broadway is still up and will be available for your viewing pleasure through October. The next opening/reception for my show is coming right up on Friday, Sept. 6, from 5-8 pm. I have added a few new art pieces to the show, so that if you have seen the show, there will be more to see. Two recent additions are "Bad Ass Baby" and "The Right Tool". I hope to see you Sept. 6! ... See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

Patricia Chapman
I transported a massive amount of my art to the First Congregational Church in downtown Boulder for my solo show there. I am so pleased with the look of the installation. I hope that you can come to see my show titled "Extraordinarily Improbable Adventures" for the opening on First Friday, May 3, from 5pm to 8pm, at Broadway and Pine in downtown Boulder. ... See MoreSee Less
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7 months ago

Patricia Chapman
For the past ten years I have been creating a series of narrative art pieces. My sister, Kay Nickel, and I wrote the story to accompany this series. So now, at long last, the book is available for sale on ... See MoreSee Less
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